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How to Clean Your Garbage Can

Is your garbage can starting to get smelly and gross? It’s bound to happen; after all, you do throw your garbage into it! Below are some tips on how to make your garbage can look good as new.

What You’ll Need

– Hose
– Gloves
– Soap
– Scrubbing brush with long handle


Steps to Cleaning Your Garbage Can

First things first, you’ll want to make sure your can is empty! (Pro tip: wait until after your can is emptied on your pick up day!) Once empty, begin cleaning by getting the inside of the can thoroughly wet with a hose. From there you can use your scrub brush and soap to scrub the walls, bottom, and lid of the container. Using the long brush handle enables you to keep some distance between you and your dirty can. The scrubbing will get off anything stuck to the bottom or walls of your can. Once your done scrubbing the inside, pour out the dirty water and rinse away extra soap and debris. Repeat these steps for the outside of your container.

How to Prevent Your Garbage Can from Getting Dirty

-Bag your garbage and don’t place loose items into your bin
-For recycling cans, rinse all items before placing them in the can
*These steps will prevent food and liquids from spilling into your can*


-Eliminates Odor
-Eliminates Germs
-Won’t attract animals and insects
-Washes away maggots